Monday, January 9, 2012

Ultrakill LAN 2012

Recently I hosted another Ultrakill LAN after the somewhat failure that was the last mini-one, with people leaving and not playing games all over the place. This one went somewhat better. In fact, this one was probably more like the LANs of old that I remember in my highschool days. A dedicated and keen crew playing multiple games in a somewhat undisturbed peace makes for true LAN experiences, something I witness rarely these days.

I think the magic ingredient is, as mentioned, to play lot of different game types at a moderate pace. Roughly 2hrs a game is plenty and gives everyone the opportunity to shine at games they are most comfortable with. Providing that you participate, it is humbling to get your ass whooped in X game repeatedly when you know you did the whooping not too long ago in Y game. It makes your random victories in Y game more satisfying, but keeps the gaming environment fair and friendly.

Despite some ... differences in opinion between participants, I think everyone got along well enough and I look forward to hosting another one sometime in the middle of this year. Granted, anyone who attended this recent LAN will be the first to be invited.

I am still irritated about the demo recording for Sven Coop getting corrupted though. It would have easily been the most hilarious and insane footage from the LAN by far and made the associated video that much more entertaining.